Happy New Year - With Quassel 0.14.0!
Submitted by Sputnick on Sat, 01/01/2022 - 17:09Hi all,
again too much time has gone by since the last release, and I want to apologize for this. I've had different plans for the past couple years, however as all of you are aware, a certain pandemic has caused major changes and disruptions on both a global and local level, and those haven't left me and my private and professional lives unaffected. Without going into details, suffice it to say that it has been very hard for me to find both the time, focus, and motivation to sit down for long evenings of coding on Quassel (or any other private project, for that matter). We'll have to see how this might change again going forward; I still have many ideas for improvements and features, and so do our main contributors.
Anyway, I've finally managed to wrap up the 0.14.0 release of Quassel! A long list of changes has gone into this one, most of it again thanks to our many contributors, most notably Shane "digitalcircuit" Synan and Janne "justJanne" Koschinski, who have been awesome! Thanks a lot, and sorry for letting your contributions rot for too long at times... your help and support is always appreciated!
Highlights of the new release include the addition of many IRCv3 capabilities, support for the HAProxy protocol and for providing Prometheus metrics, improvements for the configuration of the core/client connection and ignore list rules, updated translations and icons, and a host of smaller fixes and improvements. However, most of the work has happened behind the scenes: After removing support for Qt 4 and KDE 4, and requiring newer compilers that support C++14, both the build system and the codebase have been thoroughly modernized and cleaned up. We have also moved our CI system to Github Actions, allowing us to automatically validate builds against several supported distributions, as well as automatically creating installers for macOS and Windows. We're not done yet with moving this almost 17 year old project into the present and prepping it for the future; for the next release cycle we intend to bump the toolchain requirements yet again, so we can move towards C++17 and more recent versions of Qt 5, as well as start supporting Qt 6 once viable. Stay tuned!
Last but not least, the move of our IRC community from Freenode to Libera Chat is now reflected in the code as well as the documentation. You'll find us in #quassel in case you have any questions or or ideas, or just get in contact with our community!
You'll find tarballs as well as builds for macOS and Windows at our downloads page, or soon at a distro near you. Please note that we no longer provide builds for 32 bit platforms, as those are not supported anymore by our tooling and demand has been miniscule anyway. Before you upgrade, please be aware that both the database schema and the config file formats have been updated since 0.13. Quassel will automatically upgrade both once the new version is started for the first time, however no rollback is possible, so backing up your data prior to starting the new version is highly recommended.
And now I wish all of you a very happy 2022, stay healthy!
~ Sput
Doing Some Maintenance - Quassel 0.13.1
Submitted by Sputnick on Mon, 02/18/2019 - 20:51Hi all,
we're back in 2019 with a maintenance release for the 0.13 cycle, Quassel 0.13.1. Besides a handful of fixes and improvements over the previous release, 0.13.1 fixes a particularly annoying issue with 0.13.0 on Qt4-based systems where backlog messages would not all be fetched. I'd like to thank Janne "justJanne" Koschinski and Shane "digitalcircuit" Synan in particular for finding the cause for this problem, as well as implementing and testing the fix!
So if you happen to run Quassel 0.13.0 on a system or distro still using Qt4, be sure to upgrade (or ask your friendly distro maintainers to do so), otherwise your chat history may be spotty... Official 0.13.0 builds for Windows and OSX already use Qt5, so they're not affected. Also any recent distro release should have done the migration already, as Qt5 has been out for quite some time.
Quassel 0.13.1 also makes database schema upgrades more robust by making them resumable, and allows to configure the listen addresses for the built-in identd. Please see the ChangeLog for a full list of changes.
As always, you can find the sources, as well as precompiled binaries for Windows and OSX on the downloads page.
~ Sputnick
It's happening! - Quassel 0.13.0
Submitted by Sputnick on Sat, 11/17/2018 - 19:30Hi all,
1312 days have gone by since the last feature release of Quassel IRC. At times, the project went almost dormant; then it was buzzing with activity again due to some very active contributors (digitalcircuit, justJanne, romibi, mamarley, just to name a few). And in the end, even I could not help myself and had to start coding again! As a result, we can finally unleash a new feature release on you. And what a release it is!
We have a new branding and application icon, support the modern Breeze iconset, and improved icon theme support as a whole. We added a whole bunch of UI improvements, from the ability to show user modes in chat to spell checking on all platforms. Many IRCv3 features are now supported, including the rendering of almost all of modern formatting options. New authentication and configuration options allow for containerization, or for using an LDAP backend for the core. The database now uses 64 bit message IDs and timestamps, making it future-proof for giant backlogs and the year 2038.
Much work went into supporting mobile clients better and improve performance. For example, chat activity tracking and highlight rules moved into the core, so clients don't need to pull all the backlog at once. The first mobile client to benefit from this is Quasseldroid, which itself has seen a full rewrite that will soon be released to Android phones near you. Of course, these improvements also lay the groundwork for future improvements for the desktop client's performance.
Please see the full ChangeLog for a more detailed list of changes.
Before you upgrade, please be aware that both the database schema and the config file formats have been updated since 0.12. Quassel will automatically upgrade both once the new version is started for the first time, however no rollback is possible, so do make a backup before starting the new version! The upgrade may take a long time (up to several hours) if your database is (un)reasonably large, during which the core or mono client cannot be used. The upgrade may also temporarily require up to double the disk space. Do not interrupt the upgrade process, otherwise your database may become corrupted!
With that out of the way, please head on over to the downloads page to get yourself a fresh Quassel tarball, Windows installer or OSX package. Or wait until the new version hits a distro near you! As always, feel free to join us in #quassel on the Freenode IRC network if you have questions, or just want to talk to our friendly community.
One final remark: As we have announced a few times now, the 0.13 release cycle is the last one still supporting the all-but-dead-for-years Qt4 and KDE4 libraries. But this it not the only change; behind the scenes, we have already been very busy modernizing the codebase, and we will merge a giant pile of changes into the master branch soon after branching out 0.13. Going forward, Quassel will require a more recent toolchain, as well as system libraries; the baseline we have chosen for the time being is Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial", with no intention to support older versions than what's available there. We hope that this won't affect too many users; we think supporting a more than three year old setup is reasonable, and it gives us the opportunity to do some sorely needed cleanup and use modern C++ features and libraries going forward.
With all that said, I'm wishing you a nice weekend, and hope you like the new Quassel 0.13.0!
~ Sput
The Final Stretch - Quassel 0.13-rc2
Submitted by Sputnick on Sun, 10/28/2018 - 23:52Hi all,
the first release candidate for the impending 0.13 release uncovered some issues, the fixing of which required some more complex changes than we would have liked. Thus, we decided to roll a second release candidate.
Most significant changes compared to rc1:
- Rework the init and shutdown sequence as well as signal handling to properly clean up everything on shutdown
- Rework the handling of regular expressions e.g. for ignore and highlight rules for more flexibility and better performance. This may break legacy ignore rules; see the migration guide for more information
Please see the updated ChangeLog for more. Of course, the information and caveats mentioned in the release announcement for 0.13-rc1 still apply.
Please head on over to the downloads page to grab the packages, or just click here:
- Source tarball
- OSX core, standalone client, monolithic client
- Windows installer (32 bit, 64 bit) containing core, client and the standalone client
We expect to do a final 0.13.0 release in just a few days, pending discovery of serious issues that would warrant another delay.
~ Sput
A Candidate Long in the Making - Quassel 0.13-rc1
Submitted by Sputnick on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 17:07Hi all,
more than three years since 0.12.0 was released, and over 500 commits on top of what went into the current stable branch, we're finally in the last stretch of the next major feature release!
Since so much work and changes went into this, this time we've decided to not only roll a release candidate, but also announce it publicly, so daring people can test things before final release.
Some caveats upfront: Both the database schema and the config file formats have been updated since 0.12. Quassel will automatically upgrade both once the new version is started for the first time, however no rollback is possible, so do make a backup! Also the upgrade may take a long time (several hours) if your database is (un)reasonably large, during which the core or mono client cannot be used. The upgrade may also temporarily require up to double the disk space. Do not interrupt the upgrade process, otherwise your database may become corrupted!
Nevertheless, the Quassel protocol between remote cores and clients still is backwards-compatible all the way down to 0.5.0, which was released in 2009. While you may not be able to use all the newer features when connecting to older versions, things still work, and there is no need to upgrade both ends at the same time.
This is also a call for translators. If you'd like to improve the localization of Quassel in your language, please head over to Transifex and contribute. We'll merge back the updated translations shortly before final release of 0.13.0.
Too many changes went into this release to be able to list them all (have a look at the ChangeLog for a reasonable overview), but here are some highlights:
- New branding, more modern icons (from the Breeze icon theme)
- Better support for icon themes
- Many UI improvements
- Support for many IRCv3 features, including the display of modern formatting codes
- Functionality such as highlights and chat activity tracking move into the core to help mobile clients to be more efficient
- Support for containerization, i.e. config-less core
- Optional authentication via LDAP
- Database improvements, including support for 64 bit IDs and timestamps, and performance tweaks
- ... and much more!
The usual packages are available for download now:
- Source tarball
- OSX core, standalone client, monolithic client
- Windows installer (32 bit, 64 bit) containing core, client and the standalone client
We're discontinuing the pseudo-static core, because creating static binaries that run on most platforms becomes increasingly fragile; bundling things like OpenSSL also introduces security risks, since the bundled version will not be updated with the system. Additionally, our binary packages for OSX and Windows do not support the PostgreSQL database backend for the core due to limitations in our build environments, as well as lack of demand.
Do let us know if you run into issues or regressions. Otherwise, we're expecting a final release in the coming weeks!
NOTE: As announced several times already, 0.13.0 will be the last feature release still supporting Qt4 and KDE4. We'll significantly bump the build and runtime requirements for future releases in order to be able to modernize the code base. Planned baseline for 0.14 onwards is Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial", as well as reasonable recent toolchains for OSX and Windows.
That's it for now!
Always yours,
~ Sput
Two Years!? - Quassel 0.12.5
Submitted by Sputnick on Tue, 04/24/2018 - 21:28Hi all,
yes, it's been exactly two years today since 0.12.4 was tagged… Even though development speed has picked up again recently (mostly thanks to some very active new and old contributors, and only to a small degree thanks to myself), and several hundred commits have gone into the main development branch since 0.12 was forked away, we're still some weeks away from a new feature release.
However, chaign_c has recently discovered two vulnerabilites in the 0.12.4 core, so a new maintenance release is warranted (and an immediate upgrade of 0.12.4 cores is highly recommended!). Since it has been so long since the last release, we've decided to backport over a hundred commits worth of bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements to make upgrading worth your while. Go grab Quassel 0.12.5 from the downloads page!
Following our usual policy, we did not change the config file format nor the database schema compared to previous 0.12.x releases, and we avoided string and UI changes. Thus, upgrading should be safe, and going back to a previous 0.12.x release is possible in case anything goes wrong anyway. Please have a look at the ChangeLog for a list of major things that went into this release, or check out the full list of commits since the last release.
I'd like to use this opportunity to thank all contributors who keep Quassel alive and kicking despite my own lack of time, be it by providing pull requests, community support, translations, testing, or just being active in our IRC channels. For this release, I want to particularly express my thanks to Janne "justJanne" Koschinski, Michael "mamarley" Marley and Shane "digitalcircuit" Synan for their timely support in handling the afforementioned vulnerabilities so professionally, both providing fixes and very thorough testing! You rock!
Next stop (hopefully): Quassel 0.13. As announced, well, two years ago, this will be our last release still supporting Qt 4 and KDE 4. Afterwards, we'll also bump our build requirements significantly.
Until then, all the best,
~ Sput
Fixing Bugs - Quassel 0.12.4
Submitted by Sputnick on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 20:47Hi all,
while feature development is still slow -- too slow for my own taste, really, but what can you do -- some rather annoying bugs have been fixed that warrant another maintenance release. Most notably, Tucos (thanks a lot!) has figured out that invalid handshake data may cause the core to crash. Another annoying issue was the lack of support for the STATUSMSG feature available in some IRC networks. This one was recently abused by idio^Wpeople to pop up tons of spam queries for some of our users.
Long Time No See - Quassel 0.12.3
Submitted by Sputnick on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 20:59Hi all,
it's been a while that we did a new release, and it's still "just" a bugfix release this time. Turns out that real life is still keeping us busy... but it's the good kind of busy, so there's that. Thankfully, we have a bunch of cool people in the community who contribute patches, fixes and features while the core development team is on semi-hiatus -- many thanks to all of you!
Anyway, say hello to Quassel 0.12.3. Many fixes went into that one, and we encourage you to upgrade! One particularly nasty bug was fixed: if you have multiple users on a single Quassel Core, and use PostgresQL as a database backend, messages could be lost in earlier 0.12.x versions. So if you happen to run 0.12.{0..2}, and run a core for multiple users, you definitely should upgrade. A more extensive list of fixes can be found in the ChangeLog.
A short heads-up: The next feature release (0.13.x) will be the last one still supporting Qt 4 and, consequently, KDE 4. Supporting two diverging frameworks (Qt 4 and Qt 5), and two rather different desktop environments (KDE 4 and Plasma 5), proves to be increasingly challenging. Additionally, Qt 4 has officially reached end-of-life by now. So once 0.13 is release, we'll take the opportunity to clean up the codebase and remove a few hundred #ifdefs, wrappers and workarounds! This is still a few months away, and we plan to add a long-desired feature or two to the next release -- but now you know and can prepare for life after Qt 4!
That's it for today. Please head to the downloads page to grab the new source tarball. Binary packages for the various platforms will show up there over the next few days, and if you run Linux, I'm sure your friendly package maintainer is already working on getting an updated package near you soon!
Have a nice one!
~ Sput
New Cuties - Quassel 0.11.0
Submitted by Sputnick on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 18:10Hi all,
It's that time of the year again for another Quassel release! For 0.11.0, we've focused mainly on full support for Qt 5.2+ (in addition to Qt 4.6+, which will be supported alongside for the time being). Since Qt 4.x has not seen much development for quite some time, and subsequently we've missed out on much work that has been done by the Qt developers, this marks a major improvement in particular for our users on Windows and Mac OSX. Support for both platforms has seen many improvements in Qt 5, and thus our official packages for those platforms are now built against Qt 5. In particular Mac users should be much happier now!
For KDE users it is recommended to still use Quassel built against Qt 4, because KDE integration support has not been ported to the new KDE Frameworks yet. This is something we plan for Quassel 0.12, so stay tuned!
In order to make dual-Qt support easier, we fully revamped the build system, something that was long overdue. The existing build system still came from the dark CMake 2.6 ages, and it was increasingly hard to maintain. So now everything has been rewritten, taking newer CMake features into account. Some build options have changed as a result; in particular, we use package properties now for finding optional dependencies rather than CMake defines. After configuring the build, CMake will output a summary of required and optional packages that could or could not be found, alongside with information on what a particular dependency does and where to find it. The INSTALL file has been updated accordingly.
Starting with 0.11, we also increased the build requirements. A C++11 capable compiler, such as gcc 4.7+, Clang 3.1+, or Visual Studio 2013 (at least the November CTP), is now needed in order to build Quassel from source. In addition, at least CMake 2.8.9 is required. We feel that these are reasonable requirements that should be supported by most current distributions (and there were no objections when we asked around).
Besides these major changes, this release also contains a bunch of bugfixes, most generously provided by our awesome community. Among other things, the handling of database errors has been improved, we now split CTCP lines that are too long (important for role players using /me a lot, I'm told), and some issues with QuasselDroid have been fixed. For those of you who you only want to get those fixes, but not the build system changes, Qt 5 support and the increased build requirements, we tagged Quassel 0.10.1. This bugfix release marks the last of the 0.10.x releases; we will not provide further support for this branch (as usual).
And now, get downloading unless your friendly package maintainer has already done this job for you!
~ Sput
Into the Double Digits - Quassel 0.10.0 Is Out!
Submitted by Sputnick on Mon, 04/07/2014 - 19:48Hi all,
we proudly announce the latest release of Quassel IRC, version 0.10.0! As promised, development has become more active in the past few months (both because we gained several new contributors (thanks a bunch!), and I myself have finally some more time for development), so besides a host of bugfixes that already went into 0.9.x, this development cycle also saw various new features as listed in the ChangeLog. Besides, for example, various improvements related to SSL connections, optional multi-line input field, support for the Snore notification framework, the ability to show backlog messages in the ChatMonitor (beware though; it will slow down your sync!), the possibility to hide inactive networks in your Chat List, more translations, and a new version of the inxi (/sysinfo) script, this release features a new core/client protocol: the DataStream protocol.
This new protocol is one (intermediate) result of the refactoring work that has been going on behind the scenes for several releases now, aiming for separating out protocol-specific code from the rest of the codebase in order to be able to do things like, well, replacing the protocol (and making it easier for third-party client authors to work with it). The DataStream protocol is not much different from the original ("legacy") protocol, but it removes some of the unnecessary overhead. Due to a change to data compression, QuasselDroid can finally use compression when connecting to a 0.10.x quasselcore! You can read more about the protocol changes in the Wiki (work in progress). Note that we kept backwards compatibility, so using a new client with an older core, or vice versa, is fine (but won't get you the new protocol, of course).
That's about it. Go now and grab the newest version from our downloads page, or directly from your friendly distro's repositories once it's there!
One last note for people following development closely and interested in the goings-on in Git: The master branch has seen a revamp of the build system and features full support for Qt5 now (minus some glitches). Soon, we will start using C++11, as announced previously; so make sure to update your toolchain if it's ancient!
~ Sput on behalf of the Quassel Team